The principles of this policy include:
- Continuously improved implementation of services concerning the expectations, requirements, and needs of clients, other requirements and safety, as well as the importance of meeting customer requirements, the requirements of legislation and regulations, the requirements of NEN-EN-ISO 9001 standard as well as the requirements of NEN-EN-ISO 14001 on environmental aspects and context analysis;
- Offering a structure for drawing up and reviewing quality and environmental objectives with regard to stakeholders including customer satisfaction measurement, process measurement, supplier assessment, training planning, as well as through a management review which is inclusive of risk analysis and environmental aspect table;
- The realization of an optimal working quality and environmental system, as well as good quality and environmental awareness and level of education among all employees, whereby this system is understood, implemented, and maintained at all levels;
- Achieving further efficiency of the service without affecting the quality and the environment thereof
- Regarding the environment, determining all environmental effects on the transport of goods, making the environmental aspects known to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization, such as subcontractors and temporary employees and making relevant environmental information available to the public, including the continuous improvement and prevention of environmental pollution, the sustainable use of resources, combating and adapting to climate change and protecting biodiversity and the ecosystems.
W. van den Brink | Director